The completion of a review of the literature with critical appraisal and synthes


The completion of a review of the literature with critical appraisal and synthes

The completion of a review of the literature with critical appraisal and synthesis will ensure students use analytic methods and determine if there is sufficient, quality evidence to justify the proposed practice change as part of a quality improvement DNP project.
Conduct a review of the literature and Table of Evidence for the ACOG, JCOG, and Nice guidelines treatment and management for preeclampsia and hypertension in pregnancy and also the two articles included. I will attach articles to support the use of aspirin, monitoring blood pressure, and treatment of blood pressure. Review and synthesize the guidelines, critically appraising them, and comparing and contrasting them.
Students will develop a logical approach to the review of the literature focused on the background clinical question (from the QDT). Narrative should not exceed 3 to 5 pages. A table of evidence (use the template) accompanies the narrative explanation. My topic is Preeclampsia Treatment Guidelines and Screening. I’ve attached the Table of Evidence Template and the Rubric. Please also include the narrative portion
JCOG Guideline:
Article 1 Treatment of Hypertension at Lower BP:
Article 2 Aspirin in Pregnancy:


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