Select a material commodity that is manufactured / produced / grown in a specifi


Select a material commodity that is manufactured / produced / grown in a specifi

Select a material commodity that is manufactured / produced / grown in a specific country located
in the region (Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean) covered by the class that directly
connects with your everyday life. A commodity must have trade value, exchange value and involve
labor. You may select any material commodity, fruit (except bananas), apparel, automobile,
beverage, etc., but it must be manufactured / produced / grown in the region (Mexico, Central
America or the Caribbean) covered by the class. Using a historical materialist approach, write a
history of the commodity, and discuss specifically how that commodity directly connects with your
everyday life. A historical materialist approach discusses the commodity’s past, present, and
potential futures. Take a personal photo of the selected commodity to include with your essay, and
to share with the class. Please note, only the photo will be shared, not your essay


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