go to this website https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/energy-skate-p… and ans


go to this website https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/energy-skate-p… and ans

go to this website https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/energy-skate-p… and answer these questions while you are running a simulation using the website
2. Make sure the skater’s mass is set to 60 kg, then turn on the grid using the checkbox at the lower left and answer the following questions:
a. Estimate the height of the skater at the top of one end of the track, then use PE = mgh to calculate the skater’s potential energy at this point (show your work).
b. How much kinetic energy should the skater have at the lowest point on the track? Use KE = 1/2mv2to calculate the velocity the skater should have at this point (show your work).
c. Using what you already know, calculate how much velocity the skate should have when halfway between the top and bottom of the track.
Adapted from Vernier, Physics 130, Scott Stambach, Cuyamaca College
d. Turn on the speedometer using the checkbox on the right. Place the skater at the top of the track, and run the simulation. How well do the skater’s velocities match your predictions?
2. If the mass of the skater were increased, how would each of the following quantities change? Explain your answers.
a. Maximum potential energy
b. Maximum kinetic energy
c. Maximum velocity
d. Increase the mass of the skater to 75 kg, place the skater at the top of the track, and run the simulation. How well do your predictions match the simulation? Explain any differences.
4. Now build your own track design and sketch it below. Label three points of interest. Then fill in what you think the Pie charts will look like at each point.
5. Return to the “INTRO” tab and make sure you are using the default “V” shaped track. Grab the stopwatch from the bottom right. This time, as you run the simulation, pause it every second for 10 seconds and record the skater’s height and velocity at each second.
a. Create a table in Excel (or numbers or google sheets) of the potential energy and kinetic energy at each second (you can calculate these from the heights and velocities you recorded)
b. Create a Line Chart with one line for potential energy and one line for kinetic energy. Include this chart when you turn in your lab.
c. Do you think your chart is a good representation of the energy exchange in the simulation? Explain your answer.
d. In the simulation, switch to the “GRAPHS” tab. Make sure the switch at the top of the graph is set to “Time” and run the simulation for 10 seconds. How well does your graph match the graph in the simulation?
6. Using the options on the right, switch to the
“W” shaped track (shown here). What do you
think graphs of the skater’s potential energy
and kinetic energy would look like for this
a. Sketch what you expect the graphs to
look like below.
b. Place the skater at the top of the track, and run the simulation. Compare the graph in the simulation to your sketch. Explain any similarities and differences.


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