For this assignment, you will need to review the agenda and public presence of a


For this assignment, you will need to review the agenda and public presence of a

For this assignment, you will need to review the agenda and public presence of a white nationalist or right-wing populist organization in the United States, and analyze their rhetoric, positions, and ideological frames. Your analysis should be based on review of their web, social media, and media presence. Your analysis should be a minimum of 850 words and formatting should conform to the assignment guidelines in the syllabus. In your discussion of the organization, you should clearly answer the following questions:
What appear to be the core or primary beliefs espoused by the organization?
What are some of the ways that gendered rhetoric, framing or representation is evident in the organizational public presence?
How does the organization frame or understand problems they associate with race?
What archetypes, caricatures or imagery do they use to depict specific populations of people of color, women, girls, and LGBTQ people?
What appear to be their primary aims?
The agenda of the white nationalist group is the American Nazi Party. This is the link to their website that should be used:


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