Educational policies and practices: • Inclusive education: Schools and education


Educational policies and practices:
• Inclusive education: Schools and education

Educational policies and practices:
• Inclusive education: Schools and educational institutions are increasingly addressing issues related to gender identity. Debates focus on the implementation of inclusive policies, gender-neutral facilities, and appropriate educational materials that respect and acknowledge diverse gender identities.
Use the two sources in my outline.
• Introduction:
• Provide background information on the issue.
• At the end of the background section, clearly state your position or thesis statement.
• Body:
• Present your main arguments and supporting evidence. Typically, each argument will be a separate section in the body of the paper. To be effective your paper will have 2+ main arguments with supporting evidence. Each section will have 1+ recent [last 5 years] scholarly journal articles that support each argument | per section
• Address counterarguments and refute them if necessary.
• Use clear and logical organization.
• Conclusion:
• Summarize your main points.
• Reiterate your position.
• End with a strong concluding statement.
4. Craft a Strong Thesis Statement:
• Clearly articulate your position on the issue in a concise and focused thesis statement. This should be placed at the end of the introduction section.
5. Support Your Position with Evidence:
• Use recent, reliable sources to provide evidence supporting your position.
• Include statistics, expert opinions, examples, and logical reasoning to strengthen your arguments.
6. Address Counterarguments | Only if necessary
• Refute counterarguments with solid evidence and reasoning to strengthen your position.
7. Maintain a Formal Tone:
• Write in a formal and objective tone.
• Avoid emotional language [appearance of judgement or bias] and personal anecdotes unless they directly contribute to your argument. No, “I” language
8. Cite Your Sources:
• Properly cite all the sources you use to support your arguments in the text of your document and on the reference page. All in-text citations should be included on the reference page and vice versa.
• Follow APA 7 citation formatting.
9. Revise and Edit:
• Review your position paper for clarity, coherence, and logical flow.
• Check for grammatical errors, typos, and formatting issues.
• Final work should have a title page, 3+ pages [body], reference page with at least 1+ recent scholarly journal articles to support each main argument in the paper [your paper will have at least 2 main arguments for your position]


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