Each student will complete one writing assignment discussing the Rational Decisi


Each student will complete one writing assignment discussing the Rational Decisi

Each student will complete one writing assignment discussing the Rational Decision making process. – USE BUYING A HOME AS “BIG DECISION”
The paper should follow the parameters in the “Understand Yourself – Making a Rational Decision.” Choose a big decision you will be making soon. Describe Rational Decision Making verses The Behavioral Approach. Describe how your decision is programed or unprogrammed. Write about the step to decision making. The PowerPoint slides in this chapter are a wonderful guideline for this paper.
Your paper should: be a minimum of two and a half to three full pages in length, DOUBLE SPACED. Concepts from Chapter 8 of the textbook should be used as directed. Additional outside resources may be used to support the descriiption of your decision process. All resources should be properly cited using MLA format. Submit your paper to the TURN IT IN link on the WEEK 8 Assignments page. Documents must be submitted in WORD format, either .doc or .docx. NO word perfect or Microsoft works documents please!
This writing assignment will be worth up to 50 points toward the course grade. Papers are due by Sunday at midnight at the conclusion of week 8. Late assignments will be penalized 5 points for each day that they are late. Late assignments will not be accepted after one week beyond the original due date.


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