Research Paper Length 5-7 pages. This includes the Works Cited page Double spa


Research Paper Length 5-7 pages. This includes the Works Cited page
Double spa

Research Paper Length 5-7 pages. This includes the Works Cited page
Double spaced
Need at least four references
Due: March 23, 2024
Outside research is mandatory. Use databases, books, journals, and credible google sites. Do NOT merely use the web. It is mandatory that you use other material that requires research. i.e., JSTOR; Project Muse; CQ Researcher; Google Scholar; Opposing Viewpoints; Points of View; encyclopedias.
You are not allowed to use Wikipedia
In-text citations need to be used in your paper. If you copy ideas and do not acknowledge them, then you have committed plagiarism.
A Works Cited page is necessary. If it is not formatted properly, your grade will be lowered. Thus, go to a librarian, a grammar book, and/or Owl @Purdue and make sure you are formatting this correctly.
If your paper does not reflect outside credible research sources, you will not have fulfilled the assignment.
You must use at least four credible sources for information.
Sources must come from databases, books, and Google Scholar.
Be very careful to AVOID sites that show a clear preference or bias on the issue.
You are to engage in logos (facts, reason, logic, credible data and statistics), not pathos (appeal to emotion) in your paper.


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