RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS ASSIGNMENT Kindness consists of doing favors and good de


Kindness consists of doing favors and good de

Kindness consists of doing favors and good deeds for others without the expectation of personal gain. Kindness is considered a character strength that benefits not only others but oneself through the act of sharing it. Kindness requires respect for others, no matter how similar or different they are from ourselves. Kind people find joy in the act of giving and helping other people, regardless of their degree of relatedness or similarity. And kindness can be cultivated in your life by practice.
For this assignment, (I have also uploaded the assignment with the same instructions) your task is to perform random acts of kindness for others for a period of at least two weeks (14 days). Pick a period of time, with a start date and an end date, then stick with it.
Commit to doing at least one or two new things each day for the time frame you selected.
Some acts may benefit your immediate family and closest friends, but some must also include strangers and people who are notably different than you. Your random acts may include you giving of your time, creativity, effort, small amounts of money – none of these is specifically required, what you do is completely up to you. If you aren’t sure what act of kindness to perform, there is a list of suggestions below, and here are a couple of websites that will provide inspiration: www.randomactsofkindness.org, https://www.buzzfeed.com/jessicamisener/101-easy-i… (There is also an upload document with example of Random Acts of Kindness).
Use the worksheet that’s uploaded to keep track of your random acts of kindness. Also, after you complete the “work,” write a 3 to 5 page summary of your experience. Address all of the following in your paper:
Describe some examples of the random acts you performed, and briefly discuss why you chose them.
Describe some examples of where they took place.
Describe some of the people you helped and how you helped them. Include descriptions of people you already knew as well as people you did not know. If your random acts involved strangers, why did you choose them and did you learn anything about them through your acts?
Describe some of the ways the people who received your acts responded. Did relatives & friends react differently than strangers? Did they say or do anything that stood out or that impacted you?
If you performed anonymous acts (where the receivers did not know you were involved), were those experiences different than the ones where your kindness was obvious?
How hard was it to get started on this assignment? Did you have any hesitations or fears while performing any of the acts; if so, how did you overcome that? Did performing acts of kindness get easier or harder as time went on? **Save the last page of your paper to respond to all of the following: -Give your most honest judgement about how this experience impacted you. I’m not looking for a specific response, just reflect on your overall experience of doing random acts of kindness for a period of time. -Think about (and write about) how acts of kindness might relate to etiquette as described in your course readings so far. Does performing acts of kindness make you more aware of the people in your environment and how you interact with them? Why or why not? -If you had to describe the benefits of performing random acts of kindness to someone, what would say to them?


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