Topic Specified: job interview or social media Task summary: Please complete the


Topic Specified: job interview or social media
Task summary:
Please complete the

Topic Specified: job interview or social media
Task summary:
Please complete the draft paper on a job interview or social media by posting an extraordinary life topic
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer,
please write the task
The title page, abstract, introduction, and method should be fully developed. Include a planned analyses section in place of the results if your data has not been collected by the assignment due date. You should provide an outline of what you plan to include in the Discussion section. Include an annotated bibliography in place of references, a list of expected figures and tables, and a place holder for the statistical output appendix. If you have researcher created questionnaires, please include these in the appendices as well. Please use feedback from the canned experiment report to ensure that you are not making the same mistakes in the draft of the research paper.
At a minimum, your paper should include the following sections:
Title page
Introduction (with appropriate subsections)
Method (include appropriate subsections)
Planned Analyses
Discussion outline (include appropriate subsections)
Annotated Bibliography (minimum of 8 – 10)
A list of expected tables and figures
Appendices: placeholder for statistical analyses output and any researcher created questionnaires
The topic is using deception for everyday life like a job interview or social media by posting an extraordinary life but in reality you don’t live like that


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