Topic: Organizational Culture Theory Content: Based on what you learn, write a 2


Topic: Organizational Culture Theory
Content: Based on what you learn, write a 2

Topic: Organizational Culture Theory
Content: Based on what you learn, write a 2-page, double-spaced essay of at least 500 words in which you explain how the theory that you have chosen relates to your final paper’s research question. Make sure your literature review uses authoritative resources to cover as much of the following as you can:
Identify your workplace communication problem
State your proposed research question
Explain the significance of your research question
Provide context for your proposed research question
Identify and describe the communication theory you want to use for your final project
Summarize what you learn about the communication theory’s goal(s), approach, and classification
Describe what you learn about the communication theory’s strengths, weaknesses, and/or biases in terms
Assess the communication theory’s relevance to the paper’s research question
Use as many of the evaluation standards to review the communication theory’s concepts and/or assumptions (scope, logical consistency, testability, parsimony, utility, heurism, and/or test of time)
Explain how the theory could be used in the final research paper
Organization: Organize the literature review as follows:
Begin with an introduction that contains your research question, an explanation of its significance, and any other background information setting the context of your research.
Use the body paragraphs to describe and assess what you learned about the communication theory that you plan to use in your final project. Be specific. Use the characteristics of theory that you learned about in the Week 1 Overviews 1.1 and 1.2 as your guide to what you should explain about your communication theory. Do not use any quotes or paraphrases in your writing. Focus on synthesizing and summarizing your understanding of what you learned about your communication theory, and critique its utility for your final project. The conclusion should summarize the major issues that the researchers reported about the theory; it also should evaluate whether the theory accurately explains or can be used to resolve the workplace* communication problem you are investigating. Format:
2-3 pages (at least 600 words)
12 point Arial, Calibri, or Times News Roman font
1” margins
APA-style title page
APA-style in-text citations
APA-style end-of-text references


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