The proposal must include a research question/thesis, an outline of the envision


The proposal must include a research question/thesis, an outline of the envision

The proposal must include a research question/thesis, an outline of the envisioned paper, and a preliminary list of scholarly sources. The topic must be discussed with and approved by me. Select a specific research topic that interests you and is relevant to your course. Ensure it is not too broad and can be explored within the scope of your paper.
Your research question or thesis statement should be clear and concise. It should outline the main goal of your paper.
Create a rough outline of the paper to give an overview of how you plan to structure your research. This can include sections, sub-sections, and a brief descriiption of what each section will cover. Include a list of academic sources you plan to consult for your paper. Ensure they are relevant to your research topic. You can provide the titles, authors, publication dates, and a brief summary of their relevance to your research.
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