NO AI! NO ChatGPT! NO Cheating and Plagiarism! Respond to the question thoroughl


NO AI! NO ChatGPT! NO Cheating and Plagiarism! Respond to the question thoroughl

NO AI! NO ChatGPT! NO Cheating and Plagiarism! Respond to the question thoroughly, using at least three specific examples of works we have seen in class. Please respond to the entire question, not just individual parts of the question – you should answer parts a and b, and c. a)During the Renaissance there was a greater focus on intellectualism, and a reduced focus on religion, but there was a shift back to religion in Baroque architecture. Why? (hint: Reformation vs. Counter-Reformation) b)The Rococo, once again, had less of an emphasis on religious architecture. Why? c) And then in the 18th and 19th centuries, there is a large focus on revival styles in architecture. Discuss how the Enlightenment, revolutions, and politics played a large role in determining these revival styles.


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