To complete this Reading Notes, please read the essay “Argument as Conversation”


To complete this Reading Notes, please read the essay “Argument as Conversation”

To complete this Reading Notes, please read the essay “Argument as Conversation” and the chapter “Identifying a Conversation” in Week 11. Then, please answer the following question:
1. According to the two readings, how are arguments similar to conversations? Please refer to the specific instances in EACH reading as evidence for your answer.
2. According to “Argument as Conversation”, what are the components that an argument needs to have? Why do we need to include these components in an argument? Please provide quotes from this reading to support your answer.
3. According to “Identifying a Conversation”, what are the ways for you to put sources into conversation with each other? Please provide quotes from this reading to support your answer.
Identifying a conversation:…


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