• This should be a scholarly paper (7 pages double spaced, APA format, including


• This should be a scholarly paper (7 pages double spaced, APA format, including

• This should be a scholarly paper (7 pages double spaced, APA format, including cover page and reference page so 5-6 pages total of writing) in which you apply at least three theories that most interested you so far to your own vocational journey as a human being.
• Which theories and authors have inspired your thinking about vocation, work, and making the world a better place? What specific parts of the writing have sparked your thinking, and how do you apply them to your own concerns and the issues of the world?
• This assignment is to demonstrate that you can quote, paraphrase, and summarize authors’ ideas, and intermingle them with your own ideas, to produce an APA scholarly paper.
• Remember, this assignment is to help you get STARTED on thinking about vocation. This paper is simply a reflection of where you are at right now, and does not have to predict exactly where your journey will end up.
• The midterm paper is due by Sunday 3/17 at 11:59PM
• The three theories (Ann Roe “needs” theory) (Super’s developmental self-concept theory) and (Holland theory of vocational type) all of these theories can be search and researched on google.


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