This discussion board allows you to practice identifying elements of the rhetori


This discussion board allows you to practice identifying elements of the rhetori

This discussion board allows you to practice identifying elements of the rhetorical triangle in a Coca-Cola commercial. Take your time here, rewatch the commercial as many times as you need to, and think about your answers. Learning to identify the elements of the rhetorical triangle whenever we read or watch something makes us better consumers of information and better critical thinkers. Watch the Coca-Cola commercial “Hello Happiness” (opens in new window) at Using this commercial, write a minimum 250-word post that evaluates the rhetorical triangle. Be sure to answer all of the following questions. Do not number your answers with numbers, but make sure your wording makes it clear which question you are answering (Don’t forget to include an introduction and conclusion and appropriate paragraph breaks). When you have finished your post, respond to the posts of two of your peers; each response should be at least three sentences.
Who is the writer of this commercial?
What code/language is used in creating this commercial?
Based on the language used (and other parts of the code, or elements of the message), who is the audience for this commercial?
How does the creator of the commercial establish credibility? How does the creator create trust or goodwill between itself and the audience?
How does the creator of the commercial manipulate the audience’s emotions?
How does the creator of the commercial prove to you that there was a problem (name that problem) and that it has created a solution for the problem (name the solution)?
How can we use our knowledge of the rhetorical triangle during the writing process?
Estimated time to complete this discussion board = 45 minutes


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