The assignment is based on your reading, required external research, and analysi


The assignment is based on your reading, required external research, and analysi

The assignment is based on your reading, required external research, and analysis of “How (Un)ethical are You” by Mahzarin R. Banaji, Max H. Bazerman and Dolly Chugh.” In the article, “How (Un)ethical are You
Actions”, the authors discuss bias that emerges from unconscious beliefs. Based on the reading, your external research, and your analysis, and based on the following scenario, you are to answer the question below:
Scenario:YOU are the manager of a small, technical project team.
YOU have been given the responsibility of hiring a new member of the team with a specific, technical skill set.
How would you make an ethical, unbiased, hiring decision?
The Assignment:80 Points: Based on the course reading (Banaji, et. al.) and materials, your own external scholarly research (minimum of 2 required), and your thoughts and analysis, write a paragraph (250 words is average work) for each hiring strategy worth 20 points each strategy, identify and describe 4 strategies that you would use to insure you make an ethical, unbiased, hiring decision. Only 2 of your answers may be sourced from the Banaji, et. al. reading. For each, write about what you would specifically do and why. Be specific about what actions you would take. Format your answers as follows:
Hiring Strategy 1:
Hiring Strategy 2:
Hiring Strategy 3:
Hiring Strategy 4:
20 Points: Write a paragraph (250 words is average work), about your own personal experience with being hired. Was it ethical, or not? Explain your answer in detail using concrete examples. Base your analysis of your own experience in the readings and your research. If you haven’t yet gone through a hiring process for any type of job, write about what kind of process you would hope to experience and why.
Guidance:Do not write in generalities or theories on ethics, bias, team management, etc.
Write specifically about what YOU would do to insure YOU act ethically and without bias to make the hiring decision. For best results do the following;Read “How (Un)Ethical are You”
Research ethics, unconscious bias/beliefs, management and review any applicable lecture and your notes.
You should have a minimum of two outside sources (articles). You must provide attribution to your sources (e.g., Harvard Business Review, the NY Times, in-class discussion, any of the class readings, Rutgers LinkedIn Learning Links to an external site. (business ethics), etc.). Include the link to any article or LinkedIn Learning lecture that you use. Provide your sources with each question, not in a summary APA citing section at the end of your submission.
Support your answers with analysis that cites your research and the Banaji, et. al. article. Give “examples-in-action” (i.e., concrete, descriptive examples) of what you would do.
Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Reference and cite your research for each question.
Provide your uploaded response on Canvas.
For this Assignment #3, your responses are only accepted as an upload to Canvas. Upload file types accepted are .doc, .docx. Given that you are graded for spelling, grammar, and advanced writing structure, as well as on your expected, advanced collegiate-level content, you should use the spelling and grammar checking features of your document editor. You may also want to use supplemental editing products such as Grammarly.comLinks to an external site.. We encourage you to use the Rutgers writing center, a Learning Center tutor, or a trusted friend skilled in expository writing to help you review and edit your work prior to submitting it if writing is not your strong suit.
You must follow the file naming convention. Two (2) Points will be deducted if you do not.
lastname_firstname_assignment_x_20yy_SecXX.doc where x= the assignment number, yy=year, and XX=your class section number (e.g., 01, 02, 03, etc.).
Note: If for any reason, you cannot complete the assignment in Canvas by the deadline, you must contact the Canvas helpdesk for assistance prior to the deadline. If after working with Canvas support you can still not upload the assignment to Canvas, email me your submission before the deadline. I do not accept assignments via email except under extreme circumstances. Rubric
Assignment 3 – Ethics
Assignment 3 – Ethics
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1. 1st Hiring Strategy – 20 pointsUsing the Critical Thinking Assignments rubric criteria and the assignment directions, describe your 1st hiring strategy.
Based on the course reading (Banaji, et. al.) and materials, your own external scholarly research (minimum of 2 required), and your thoughts and analysis, write a paragraph (250 words is average work), describe the hiring strategy that you would use to insure you make an ethical, unbiased, hiring decision. Only 2 of your answers may be sourced from the Banaji, et. al. reading. For each, write about what you would specifically do and why. Be specific about what actions you would take. Make sure you cite your source(s) for each strategy with your answer (e.g., either Banaji, et. al., or external scholarly source).
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2. 2nd Hiring Strategy – 20 pointsUsing the Critical Thinking Assignments rubric criteria and the assignment directions, describe your 2nd hiring strategy.
Based on the course reading (Banaji, et. al.) and materials, your own external scholarly research (minimum of 2 required), and your thoughts and analysis, write a paragraph (250 words is average work), describe the hiring strategy that you would use to insure you make an ethical, unbiased, hiring decision. Only 2 of your answers may be sourced from the Banaji, et. al. reading. For each, write about what you would specifically do and why. Be specific about what actions you would take. Make sure you cite your source(s) for each strategy with your answer (e.g., either Banaji, et. al., or external scholarly source).
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3. 3rd Hiring Strategy – 20 pointsUsing the Critical Thinking Assignments rubric criteria and the assignment directions, describe your 3rd hiring strategy.
Based on the course reading (Banaji, et. al.) and materials, your own external scholarly research (minimum of 2 required), and your thoughts and analysis, write a paragraph (250 words is average work), describe the hiring strategy that you would use to insure you make an ethical, unbiased, hiring decision. Only 2 of your answers may be sourced from the Banaji, et. al. reading. For each, write about what you would specifically do and why. Be specific about what actions you would take. Make sure you cite your source(s) for each strategy with your answer (e.g., either Banaji, et. al., or external scholarly source).
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4. 4th Hiring Strategy – 20 pointsUsing the Critical Thinking Assignments rubric criteria and the assignment directions, describe your 4th hiring strategy.
Based on the course reading (Banaji, et. al.) and materials, your own external scholarly research (minimum of 2 required), and your thoughts and analysis, write a paragraph (250 words is average work), describe the hiring strategy that you would use to insure you make an ethical, unbiased, hiring decision. Only 2 of your answers may be sourced from the Banaji, et. al. reading. For each, write about what you would specifically do and why. Be specific about what actions you would take. Make sure you cite your source(s) for each strategy with your answer (e.g., either Banaji, et. al., or external scholarly source).
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal Hiring ExperienceWrite a paragraph (250 words is average work), about your own personal experience with being hired. Was it ethical, or not? Explain your answer in detail using concrete examples. Base your analysis of your own experience in the readings and your research. If you haven’t yet gone through a hiring process for any type of job, write about what kind of process you would hope to experience and why. Be specific.
20 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
Total Points: 100


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