Reply to a question received from my professor in my discussion on Gender and Le


Reply to a question received from my professor in my discussion on Gender and Le

Reply to a question received from my professor in my discussion on Gender and Leadership.
Hey there, I received a question from my professor regarding the discussion that I posted. Please see below:
Q1- Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how gender plays a role in leadership style and effectiveness.
You have mentioned some significant issues that can impact the effectiveness of such leaders.
Here is a question to consider.
How can leaders effectively navigate the unique challenges of leading a virtual team, especially when considering the specific factors that females should focus on when leading virtual teams in Saudi Arabia?
Please read the discussion below and make a reply to these questions.
Please separate the answer into a separate file.
Word limit: 300.
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Roles of gender in leadership style and effectiveness
Leadership can be articulated in different styles and approaches regarding the person in charge. Gender role is one concept that defines leadership styles and job effectiveness at workplace. Men and women have different perceptions of leadership styles, and it is essential to note that these perceptions affect their daily work activities (Northouse, 2021). Gender significantly defines leadership styles through different responsibilities like negotiation and resolution, communication, diversity decision-making and influence.
According to Northouse (2021), women are more collaborative and inclusive, mainly focusing on building better relationships and being empathetic. This is one way to create a supportive and inclusive work environment for effective teamwork. Men are considered to be more assertive and direct in their communication, which is an essential trait in situations that require decisive action. Leaders understand the importance of balancing the two skills based on the situation presented to them at the workplace.
Decision making processes entirely depend on a person’s approach, which is highly influenced by gender (Tuschner et al., 2022). Women ensure that they participate in making decisions and remain consensus-driven when asking the team members for advice and opinions; the diversity from other members helps them have new perspectives before coming up with a solution (Northouse, 2021). Elsewhere, male leaders mainly focus on a directive approach which prioritizes swift action and efficiency. The two approaches have unique effects, and leaders must ensure that they effectively use their style to fit the organizational culture and safety of the team members.
Time management is a critical issue in leadership responsibility; men and women have different perceptions about time. Timely completion of tasks promotes the systematic accomplishment of individual or group objectives. It seems that meeting deadlines prevents conflict, reduces work-related stress, and ensures efficient operations (Tuschner et al., 2022). Both male and female leaders demonstrate strong organizational, planning, and administrative abilities, which are some of the critical elements that drive organizational development in the intended direction (West Chester University, 2020). The ability to observe time is an important issue that ensures job satisfaction and better outcomes for the team members.
Men and women have unique and different attitudes when it comes to managing others. Feminine values are adopted in government institutions and most businesses. Women’s attitudes defy competitive approaches and authoritative approaches when handling leadership responsibilities (Proctor, 2022). Feminine values exempt consensual relations that make them different from masculine values. Males must balance women’s traits to ensure effectiveness and successful leadership.
Finally, Gender differences can also manifest in negotiation and conflict resolution. Women are more engaged and collaborative when they resolve conflicts than men. They are more dedicated to ensuring a win-win situation for the teams involved. On the other hand, men are more focused on distributive or competitive negotiation to ensure that they achieve their goals without regard for the relationship’s expense (Tuschner et al., 2022). Leaders should ensure they weigh the conflict at hand and ensure that both involved parties are satisfied with the decision. Leading a Virtual Team
Female leaders can effectively lead a virtual team. A female leading a virtual team in KSA must ensure that they consider and respect the cultural norms. The first practice is developing clear communication channels like instant messaging and video conferencing to help in effective communication. Female leaders should mind their tone and observe interaction levels to ensure cultural observation (Nagraj, 2022). Secondly, it is vital to set clear goals and objectives for the team while remaining assertive for accountability and performance in the organization. In addition, leaders should ensure that they offer support and recognition to their members; this is done by encouraging women on the team and creating mentorship programs for their development (Nagraj, 2022). Female leaders should also ensure flexibility and trust among the virtual team members, which includes open communication and transparency. They should be aware of privacy and gender segregation as part of cultural norms in KSA; the interactions should promote teamwork and collaboration (Al-Jaweini and Netti, 2022). Finally, the leaders should be more attentive to empowering the team members and allowing them to develop ideas that go beyond cultural barriers; this is the best way of creating a supportive work environment.
Al-Jaweini, N and Netti, G. (2022, July 29).A new era of female leadership in Saudi business. Arab News.
Nagraj, D. (2022, July 13). Virtual Leadership: Understanding The Communication Styles Needed For Leadership In A Virtual World. Forbes.
Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.
Proctor, R. A. (2022, May 17). Why positive change in Middle East starts with bringing women into the work force. Arab News.
Tuschner, C., Krath, J., Bings, J., Schwenkmezger, M., Etzkorn, M., & von Korflesch, H. F. (2022). “Leading in the digital age: A systematic review on leader traits in the context of e-leadership”. ECIS 2022 Research Papers. 63.
West Chester University. (2020, October 30). Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development


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