Please be advised I do not have the Excel format, only in pictures, and this ass


Please be advised I do not have the Excel format, only in pictures, and this ass

Please be advised I do not have the Excel format, only in pictures, and this assignment is due today by 4 pm.
Hello can you make me three 6 graphs and a brief explanation of each.
3 graphs on the CRB category ( career review board) points and 3 graphs on with the WKP( written knowledge points)
The CRB points are out of 25
The WK points are out of 79 questions
For each graph a break down on how people did in 3 different categories 1 ) Race ( black, white, Hispanic), 2 ) gender ( males vs females) then 3) race collectively blacks vs whites without gender. 3 graphs on the CRB section ( career review board) points and 3 granphs on the WK points( written knowledge points)


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