Lab Breakdown Video: In this lab, students will observe primates. They will cond


Lab Breakdown Video:
In this lab, students will observe primates. They will cond

Lab Breakdown Video:
In this lab, students will observe primates. They will conduct an ad lib study and create an ethogram. Instructors may choose to assign this lab along with the “Primate Behavior Lab: Part II,” in which students use the ethogram they create in this lab while conducting scan sampling and continuous focal animal sampling.
Collecting Data in an Online Lab Class
For our online class you will be practicing the following instructions either using a primate webcam at a zoo or by observing a group of humans using this particular technique. Goal
Conduct an ad lib observation of one species of primate to look for patterns of behavior you have read about. Then provide an Ethogram of the primate species
Collect your observations of a group of primates via one of the zoo webcams linked below. If you aren’t able to access the webcams, you may observe a group of humans. If you observe humans, use the same procedures and pretend you don’t understand why they might be doing things, only describe what they are doing with out any interpretation. Create an ethogram of the behaviors you observed.
Chattanooga Zoo TamarinsLinks to an external site.
Detroit Zoo Japanese MacaquesLinks to an external site.
Houston Zoo ChimpanzeesLinks to an external site.
PIN Common MarmosetsLinks to an external site.
Reid Park Zoo LemursLinks to an external site.
San Diego Zoo BaboonsLinks to an external site.
San Diego Zoo OrangutansLinks to an external site.
1. Ad lib data:
Review one of the previous pages on: Ad Lib Studies
On any piece of paper you have handy (8 1/2 x 11 notebook paper or printer paper is best), write the common and scientific names of the species you have selected, as well as the number and types of individuals (how many primates, females, males and children). You may need to browse on the zoo website to find the needed information. Write everything you see happening in the enclosure for a period of 30 minutes (make sure you review the example on the Ad lib study page). Do not rewrite or type up your notes. Use additional sheets of paper if needed. Write down what happens, who does it, and when. Submit a photo or several photos, or a scanned version, of the actual notes you wrote at the zoo. You can take the photo with your phone or any other tech you have available. 2. Review Developing an Ethogram: After you collect your ad lib notes, complete the table on the Week Download Week2 Ad Lib Ethogram.docx Download 2 Ad Lib Ethogram.docxworksheet listing and describing the behaviors you observed for your species. Please open this in Word or Google docs and type your work into the table. Save it and upload it back into the assignment along with the photos of your ad lib notes.
Learning and growth take practice and reflection and I am here to support your efforts. All assignments will receive an initial grade based on the provided rubric. If you aren’t happy with the points you receive or need to improve your submission, everyone will have the option to review my feedback, revise your work, and resubmit your assignment by the “available until” date 1 week after the original due date. If you have questions about how to improve a submission or about my feedback, please ask me.
My goal is to provide feedback within 72 hours, at the latest, of the due date for the assignment.


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