Everything changes with time. From advertising on cards, leaflets, posters, radi


Everything changes with time. From advertising on cards, leaflets, posters, radi

Everything changes with time. From advertising on cards, leaflets, posters, radio TV, today’s world has moved towards digital marketing . Those who are ahead are those who continue to improve themselves according to the needs of the times. Similarly, in today’s digital world, having a good understanding of Facebook marketing is a very necessary skill.
Facebook marketing is a popular medium nowadays for the development of any type of small and large business. At present, about eighty people of Bangladesh use the Internet. About 380,000 of them use Facebook. Therefore, one of the means of marketing and business growth of this time is Facebook marketing.
Facebook marketing started slowly but now it has spread widely. Many small and big companies are now running their business successfully through Facebook marketing.
Today’s discussion – What is Facebook marketing? How is Facebook marketing done? Why is Facebook marketing important? How to get the maximum amount of income from Facebook marketing will be highlighted.
Before knowing about Facebook marketing we need to know about digital marketing. Otherwise it will just be a one way discussion.
Digital Marketing / Online Marketing / Internet Marketing is the medium used by any company or business organization to promote, expand and communicate with the maximum number of people and sell products through the Internet. Like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Blog, Email etc.
Now we will know about Facebook marketing.
What is Facebook Marketing?
Facebook marketing is a communication medium through which business products and services are communicated to Facebook users. Through Facebook marketing, product awareness is given to more people and more product sales are ensured.
How many types of Facebook marketing?
Facebook marketing is generally of 2 types. And that is Free Facebook Marketing and Paid Facebook Marketing. Free and paid Facebook marketing is used depending on the type of business.
Free Facebook Marketing
In simple words, the marketing that does not have to spend money at any stage is free marketing. Marketing can be done without spending any money in online and digital marketing. As a result, Facebook marketing is also free. There is free Facebook marketing by adopting certain methods to provide business or services. So it can be said that the marketing that is done on Facebook without spending money is free Facebook marketing. An example will make it easier.
First we can open a Facebook page. According to the type of organization, we can decorate the page with name, cover picture, profile picture. Then I can post with complete information about the product I want to sell. It can also be in image form. Then we can invite everyone we know to follow this page. Then you can share the posts of the Facebook page on various social media. We can ask our known Facebook friends to share. By following this process we can promote our product to more people without spending any money. We can post our page and products by joining various Facebook groups. And that’s free Facebook marketing.
Paid Facebook Marketing
Usually, the posts that are sponsored in the Facebook news feed are all paid Facebook marketing posts. All small and big business organizations can use this marketing to inform about the products to the desired customers.
In this case, marketing on Facebook by spending a certain amount of money is called Paid Facebook Marketing.
It is possible to reach very selective customers through paid Facebook marketing. If we want our products to be seen only by women or men living in the north of Dhaka city, it is possible through paid Facebook marketing. Paid Facebook marketing involves promoting Facebook pages and posts. Facebook presents pages and posts to designated customers in the form of advertisements by paying Facebook authorities. This is not possible with free Facebook marketing.
Facebook marketing rules
Proper rules need to be followed to get maximum and best results in every subject. Otherwise it is not possible to get the desired result. Similarly, to get the maximum benefit from Facebook marketing, the right rules of Facebook marketing must be followed.
First you need to open your business page. So that your business will be detailed. For example, product list, pictures, what kind of services will be available, what kind of offer will be given according to the customer’s demand in the case of product purchase, etc.
Your page should be nicely decorated. Give a name related to your business.
The cover picture should be given using the logo of the business or organization. You can also use profile picture.
Then post about your product or service.
Then you need to start Facebook marketing by thinking about the customers of your product or service.
Organize your post by identifying what age, what type of customers are interested in your product or service. It can be through writing or pictures. Regularly update your page about products or services. Keep in touch with the customer through comments and messages. Any kind of questions should be answered.
Facebook Marketing Tips
There are some important tips to do well in Facebook Marketing which are known as Facebook Marketing Tips. We can benefit from following these Facebook marketing tips correctly.
Long-term goals should be set. Nothing should be in the form of a shortcut. Since business is an ongoing process, it needs to set long-term goals. All your content, posts, brand promotion should be tailored to give output over a long period of time.
Good quality content should be created which will last for a long time. Content is the lifeblood of any marketing. Content should be created in such a way that even if it is reposted later, the customer’s interest is equally active as before.
Facebook marketing is all about how you present yourself. Videos can be used to post ideas on how customers can benefit from your product or service.
If you want to do well in Facebook marketing then you must always maintain consistency in terms of your page, post, offer. So that it doesn’t happen, very active one week but no updates in the next two weeks. A break will lose the customer’s interest, which is by no means desirable.
In essence, you need to be in constant contact with the recipient of your product or service. In no way can any customer’s questions be avoided. Be proactive in all types of customer inquiries. Then the customer will be interested in buying your products and services in the long term.
Ways to make money with Facebook marketing
There are many ways to earn from Facebook marketing. Facebook is one of the ways to earn money in today’s online world. If you want, you can earn easily by doing Facebook marketing according to your choice and skills. Here are some ways to earn from Facebook marketing.
The first step to earning from Facebook marketing is to have a large number of followers on your page. More followers means your post will help you reach more customers and promote your product.
You can earn by Facebook marketing of Facebook posts. We all follow some or the other celebrity’s Facebook page. There are occasional posts on their page to promote products. For example, Messi, Ronaldo’s Facebook page is posted about Adidas or Nike’s new shoes. They get lakhs of rupees for each post. In the same way, you can earn money from the company in exchange for posting the products of any company from your Facebook page.
One of the other ways to earn money by Facebook marketing is online store promotion. You can share a post on a company’s page to sell their products online. For example, you can earn money by Facebook marketing through the promotion of Arang or Yellow Pages.
You can also earn money by uploading videos on Facebook. You can earn from your video content by doing Facebook marketing. Recently, Facebook launched a service to monetize video content . But for that, the video needs to be watched for a certain amount of viewers and for a certain time.
You can earn money by selling Facebook pages. If your page has more than 100,000 followers, you can easily sell your page at a good price.
Promoting your business or service can greatly increase sales, making you a direct profit. Your brand value and product sales will increase.
Facebook Marketing Course
So far we have got the idea about Facebook marketing. Apart from this, we can learn Facebook marketing by hand through Facebook marketing course.
Before learning basic Facebook marketing you can take ideas from various tutorials on YouTube. Then you can get admission in the Facebook marketing course of any organization after checking.
Facebook marketing is a very effective medium in the world of digital marketing. Sitting idle means you are lagging behind others. So start Facebook marketing quickly without delay.


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