Describe and critique each of these topics according to oppression and resistanc


Describe and critique each of these topics according to oppression and resistanc

Describe and critique each of these topics according to oppression and resistance.
Topic 1: Kilmainham Gaol (Dublin, Ireland)
Use: Welch, The Bastille Effect, Chapter 3 (Sites of Trouble)
Use: Hinds, The Illusions of Justice, Chapter 3 (COINTELPRO and Other Government
Misconduct, pages 115 to 159)
Topic 2: Crumlin Road Jail/ Peace Walls/Murals (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
Use: Welch The Bastille Effect, Chapter 3 (Sites of Trouble)
Use: Hinds, The Illusions of Justice, Chapter 8 (The Puerto Rican Nationalists), Chapter 9
(American Indian Movement Defendants)
Topic 3: Maze H Blocks (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
Topic 4: Political Imprisonment, Violence, and Rioting in Northern Ireland
Use Super, Gail (2012) “Punishment and the Body in the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ South Africa:
A Historical Perspective.” Theoretical Criminology,15 (4): 427-44.
(single-spaced, 12 pitch, Times New
Roman font — use citation style contained in The Bastille Effect)


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