Create an Arthurian knight :MLA Format, 12 pt. Times New Roman font chivalric id


Create an Arthurian knight :MLA
Format, 12 pt. Times New Roman
chivalric id

Create an Arthurian knight :MLA
Format, 12 pt. Times New Roman
chivalric identity -your strengths and weaknesses, your abilities, your motives, and your goals for yourself.
Assignment components:
1.Encyclopedic entry (approximately 300-500 words): This should include the “factual” information about your character- your name, moniker (the [Adjective] Knight of [Place] or Knight of the [quality, place, or thing]), where you are from, lineage, and major chivalric or courteous deeds.
2 Comparison (300-500words): write a brief comparative essay explaining how you stack up against at least two (2)of the already-established knights in the Arthurian legend. Try to use specific details about those knights garnered from your reading to contextualize your place in the legend compared to theirs. (Sir Gawain, Sir Lancelot)
3 Short story (1-3pages long): should focus on one or two of your particular adventures or tests of your knightly prowess, and include recognizably Arthurian characteristics


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