Chapter 10 of the text introduces DNA. Most of you will have some idea of what D


Chapter 10 of the text introduces DNA. Most of you will have some idea of what D

Chapter 10 of the text introduces DNA. Most of you will have some idea of what DNA is but the text information will provide a better understanding of how it is discoverable and its importance on a crime scene. The introduction of DNA technology changed criminal investigations forever. As with fingerprints, there is an expectation that investigators will search for and collect DNA evidence at all scenes. Search and collection methods will be determined most often by the investigator’s agency. Gathering and processing DNA evidence is usually expensive; therefore, budgetary issues are a factor. For some time, the notion of someone transferring DNA to a crime scene was not considered. I would speculate that even today, most people today have not heard of transfer DNA and are still under the impression that if DNA exists on a scene, the person to whom the DNA must have been present. We now know this is not always the case. With the information you learn regarding this topic, you will write a 3-page paper (not including cover and citation pages) discussing the concept of transfer DNA. To get started, read the article on transfer DNA that I have posted. Next, conduct research and find an example of a case that involved transfer DNA. With the information from these two sources, write your paper including answers to the following prompts: • What are the main findings of the article? • How might these findings impact criminal investigations involving DNA in the future? • What suggestions for future research/experiments might be needed when investigating the transferability of DNA? • What are the facts of the case you located? • How has the case been impacted by transfer DNA? • What steps should be taken to increase awareness of transfer DNA and combat the CSI effect on jurors? You may include any other information to convey the message and your opinion of the subject. You will need to cite at least two sources, which should be the article and your researched case. Include citation information in-text as well as on your citation page.


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