1.In your opinion, do the concepts you’ve learned about in terms of simple model


1.In your opinion, do the concepts you’ve learned about in terms of simple model

1.In your opinion, do the concepts you’ve learned about in terms of simple models of learning and classical conditioning relate to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Explain why or why not. To elaborate your discussion, incorporate how additional concepts such as generalization, discrimination, and extinction may be used to explain and treat PTSD.
2. Have you ever wondered why some people develop phobic disorders? Choose a particular phobia and discuss how classical conditioning principles can be used to explain development of this phobia.Various strategies have been developed to treat phobias. Discuss two (2) of these types of treatment strategies and explain why you think they are the most (or least) appropriate for treating phobic disorders. Include ethical considerations that might arise from using these treatment strategies.
Use APA 7th edition, in-text citations and scholarly resources for your initial post and 4 peer responses, 2 on learning and ptsd and 2 on phobias. This is a post first forum! Hey guys, I saw a lot of people posting without including the REQUIRED supplemental outside link on the topic. These are NOT the same as your cited sources for any data you included in your discussion post from outside sources, which need to be in APA format. The supplemental links are to show that you have done some outside investigation on the topic and are sharing the two sites you found with the class so that they can also explore. If you have been including them in your posts, keep up the great work. Those of you that have been ignoring this requirement need to start including the links. This post has a separate part to it so be sure to clarify which is for learning and PTSD and then Phobias. You need to have separate supplemental links and resources for learning and PTSD which is one part and the other part Phobias.


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