The term paper must contain, in the following order: • Title page with < 200 wor


The term paper must contain, in the following order:
• Title page with < 200 wor

The term paper must contain, in the following order:
• Title page with < 200 word Abstract • Introduction • Body • Conclusions • References • Tables • Figures References, Tables and Figures all need to be placed at the end of the paper. All Figures and Tables must be referred to in the text. You must include at least 10 references; all must be tied to the text. DO NOT copy text from the articles you will use as references. You need to read all references and write the paper IN YOUR OWN WORDS. RESOURCES: • TRID Library search • Journal of Transportation Research Board • ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering (Part B –Pavements) • ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering • International Journal of Pavement Engineering • Proceeding of the International Conferences on Concrete Pavements • Proceedings of the AAPT Annual Meeting Conferences • NAPA & NCAT publications • NCHRP reports (National Cooperative Highway Research Program) • TxDOT Library


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