Part I: In 100-200 words, explain how horror films use facial expressions to tri


Part I:
In 100-200 words, explain how horror films use facial expressions to tri

Part I:
In 100-200 words, explain how horror films use facial expressions to trigger heightened arousal in their audiences. Focus on the role of fear, shock, and distress as depicted through characters’ faces, and how these visual cues enhance the viewer’s emotional experience. Include a detailed analysis of a specific scene from a well-known horror film, such as the classic expression of terror in Janet Leigh’s face during the iconic shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho.” Discuss how this and similar expressions in other films contribute to the genre’s effectiveness in eliciting strong emotional responses from the audience. Your essay should explore the interplay between visual storytelling and psychological impact in eliciting negative affect.
Part II:
Over the course of this class, how has your relationship or understanding of art changed or evolved? Explain using key terms from the course as well as at least one example art work discussed in class. 100-200 words.


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