My topic was “How different cultures affect childhood development” The instructi


My topic was “How different cultures affect childhood development”
The instructi

My topic was “How different cultures affect childhood development”
The instruction is this:
“In this section you will compare and contrast the information you found in all the different sources and summarize the results. For instance, you might find that a newspaper article misrepresents what is known from research about a topic. Or in the above example about same-sex parenting the two articles referred to the same research, but they interpreted it in very different ways. You should then address the question why this is the case (e.g., does the author have a certain agenda?). You also need to take into consideration the authority of the authors.
It is mandatory that you use in this section information presented in the textbook and in each of the empirical research articles.
In this section you can also use additional resources (e.g., other academic publications you found)
Include the information you obtained from your analyses, such as the assessment of authority.
You should also mention the implications of your analyses for professional practices in the field of lifespan development (e.g., whether this affects parenting behavior).”
The two articles are comparing to


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