Instructions The Goal: To research a potential topic, evaluate sources, and prep


The Goal: To research a potential topic, evaluate sources, and prep

The Goal: To research a potential topic, evaluate sources, and prepare an annotated bibliography.
Step One: Consider the works discussed in weeks six(attached). Brainstorm a topic for a potential essay then conduct research as if you were going to write a paper on the subject.
Step Two: Locate, identify, and carefully vet three credible sources. Two must be scholarly, peer-reviewed sources from the Trefrey library. One source can be from the open web, but it should be credible and appropriate for academic research.
Step Three: Write a robust summary (annotation) of each source. Robust source summaries must include an explanation of the contents of the source and the relevance of the source to your topic (i.e. how it would be used in your essay). Aim for five well-developed sentences per annotation, and make sure they are written in the third person.
Step Four: Prepare your annotated bibliography in MLA format. It should be apparent (based on the sources) which week five/six work is being researched. If nothing else, note the title in the heading.


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