Hi guys, so this assignment is a bit tricky as it’s supposed to be “personalized


Hi guys, so this assignment is a bit tricky as it’s supposed to be “personalized

Hi guys, so this assignment is a bit tricky as it’s supposed to be “personalized” within a group of three. I unfortunately have not been able to participate and give my share of information hence why I am turning here for help. My”share” is due tomorrow morning and I have to interview somebody and ask them the questions that I will send you in an uploaded file that we have put together. I will upload the google document for you to see the responses of the other two team members. I basically just need you to please make up a story about somebody that you interviewed (friend, family member, in my case my husband) and address where that person may have had troubles answering a particular question and how the interview went overall. The questions are based on a textbook that we follow within the course that refers to “Tanglewood” but It’s almost 100 pages to send off to you so I’m hoping by the information I send you, you can make something up for me and follow suite from what you see the others replies are. sorry if its confusing but please reach out to me if you have anymore questions. I’m in such a bind and need help! Thanks guys.


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