-Hello, thank you for your interest in my question. -I’m studying TOURISM and th


-Hello, thank you for your interest in my question.
-I’m studying TOURISM and th

-Hello, thank you for your interest in my question.
-I’m studying TOURISM and this is an assignment for a course called “Agency Operations & Legalities”
-We are working on a project about founding a Travel Agency – Our group is a Travel Agency and provides Tour packages from Nova Scotia to British Colombia (Canada) and our supplier is Via Rail
-Our niche is “Student Travel”
-I will provide information about our Travel Agency below
=>What I need you to do
– Find me 2 itinerary between Nova Scotia and British Colombia (Only found on Via Rail Website) – Big cities / capital cities, anywhere that has a job opportunities for students because our niche is “Student travel”
-Then, find and provide all information (price, what its offer ,facilities, what companies its near by , everything about that… ..) about an Airbnb near major companies in that city
-Then, provide information and descriptions of 2 to 3 attractions about that city, or more
-Then, provide 3 Travel Tips for customers of this 2 itinerary from our Travel Agency – This means that our Travel Agency will find things that can help customers have more enjoyable trip. For example : If the destination often rains , the tips for customers can be “bring rain items to the trip” SOMETHING THAT CUSTOMER MIGHT NOT KNOW , not general Tips
-Our specialty travel will focus on the students by helping them expand their network by using our hassle-free service travel that can help them network and market themselves in a one to two-day excursion via VIA Rail to meet potential employers around Canada. Our travel agency will offer different routes across the country, where they can stay or hop on and off the rail after networking or to meet their potential employers. An applicant who wants to create a lasting impression will do their best to make an impact and that can be done through a personal meeting with an employer to ensure that desired position. Eternelle Escape Travel and Tour offers a tour package from Nova Scotia to British Columbia, the client can choose and customize their itinerary according to their availability for an affordable price. In addition, the agent will have the knowledge when there are active job-hunting campaigns across the country and the traveler can choose whether they want to stay in the chosen province where they can be housed with our Airbnb partners across the county. Airbnb was chosen to encourage students to travel without damaging their budget while supporting small businesses across the country. The convenience of having a lot of choices to stay near the desired workplace of the client certainly makes Airbnb an excellent choice for the traveler and our agency (Medium, 2022).


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