First, discuss food labeling (define it) and its legislation. Then, look up the


First, discuss food labeling (define it) and its legislation. Then, look up the

First, discuss food labeling (define it) and its legislation. Then, look up the USDA nutrient composition database, search for your favorite food/meal/dish and PDF the nutrient content of the food/meal, and submit it with this assignment. Attached, is a sample of a sample meal from the USDA site. Here is a link to the USDA Nutrient Database Next, look at the labels of your favorite food and determine the health content of the food from the labels. Briefly discuss the nutritional contents of the chosen food, are you surprised by your findings? Would you do anything differently now that you know the nutritional content of the food? Finally, in your conclusion, discuss how food labeling could create a healthy diet. Please use the 2 sources attached.
All written submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font), include current APA citations when appropriate, an appropriate title page, and make sure to include a header for the APA format


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