Virtual Field Trip: Do something that will expand your understanding of human se


Virtual Field Trip: Do something that will expand your understanding of human

Virtual Field Trip: Do something that will expand your understanding of human
sexuality issues. Explore something you have not done before. You may go in
person by yourself or with others or online. Possible In person field trip sites
include strip bar, gay bar/club, drag show, sexuality-related lecture, adult bookstore
or toy store, What can you do virtually? Clear your own ideas for a field trip with
the instructor at least two weeks prior to the due date.
Why did you choose this field trip activity?
b. Describe any new knowledge and/or feelings you acquired because of the field trip.
Do you feel any differently toward the activity, event, or people than you did before?
c. Does the event, activity, or people have an appropriate place in our society? Why/why
d. What were your impressions of others who were present virtually? What were your
impressions of the people who were participating (if relevant)?
e. Discuss relevant dimensions of sexuality and any relevant material from course
f. Evaluate the value of the project to you as a student of human sexuality.
g. Would you recommend the experience to others? Why or why not?


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