Pick at least two of the concepts [e.g. selectivity and framing, encoding and de


Pick at least two of the concepts [e.g. selectivity and framing, encoding and de

Pick at least two of the concepts [e.g. selectivity and framing, encoding and decoding, media models, ideology, propaganda, hyperreality, punitive apology, truth and the care of the self, or any other ideas/concepts [i.e. those associated with Chomsky, Habermas, Mill, Baudrillard, Stypinska, Ellwanger, etc] covered in the first six weeks of this course and use them to analyse a recent news story [within the last 12 months]. A ‘current news story’ can be an ongoing controversy, a single incident, local, national or international, of any sort, so long as it is publicly discussed in the media, and/or social media. Summarise the news story succinctly, but ensure that news sources are correctly cited and referenced. Explain your sociological concept(s) – then use the concept(s) to illuminate the story in question. The quality of your analysis [i.e. the application of your chosen concepts] will form the main part of your grade. Marking Criteria Extent and depth of reading. Students must use readings specifically from Canvas and quote directly from them. Application of the concepts or theories to your chosen news story. Course material and course readings are utilised. The essay has a clear point, discussed in a well-organized manner. Quality of discussion and synthesis of readings. Discuss the whole arc of their points, present nuance in the discussion of writers/concepts/issues. The questions give wide scope to tackle the question according to your own research focus. Quality of writing. Clear, concise, detailed. A norm of 2-3 references per paragraph. Accurate use of Harvard Referencing. Wordcount – 1,500 words [excluding bibliography and longer quotes]. Due date – Friday 22nd March.


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