This week’s Seminar Assignment-1 is about Topics in Criminal Justice which consi


This week’s Seminar Assignment-1 is about Topics in Criminal Justice which consi

This week’s Seminar Assignment-1 is about Topics in Criminal Justice which consists of a Seminar “Training the 21st Century Law Enforcement Professional”. You must listen to the video presentation, write a minimum of 300-word count for each question, and use 3 scholarly sources. You may use the speaker as a source and 2 more scholarly sources for this assignment. Use in-text citations and remember to cite your sources in APA format.
Make sure to follow instructions and answer each part of the question completely, failure to do so will result in a 10-point reduction per question. I will check the word count for each question and deduct an additional 10 points if the explanation/answer does not meet the minimum requirements stated above. Encyclopedias and Dictionaries are not appropriate research sources at this level. No Wikipedia!
General Instructions: Listen to the Video Presentation in the Attend Section
“Seminar: Training the 21st Century Law Enforcement Professional”
According to the presentation, there are five (5) components in the science of learning (frequent testing, low or no consequence testing, testing that requires effortful retrieval, spaced training, and interleaved topics).
Of these components, which do you believe would be the most difficult to implement?
Why do you believe this?
This week for your Seminar Assignment 2 you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper utilizing the seminar in the Attend section. You must do additional research and answer the following questions below. The total assignment must be a (minimum of 1,600-word count) and 4 scholarly sources. The reference list does not count towards the (total assignment) 1600-word count minimum. One source can be the speaker of the seminar.
Use in-text citations and remember to cite your sources in APA format. Be sure to follow instructions and answer each part of the question completely, failure to do so will result in a 10-point reduction per question. I will check the word count for this assignment and deduct an additional 10 points if the paper does not meet the minimum requirements stated above. Encyclopedias and Dictionaries are not appropriate research sources at this level. No Wikipedia!
General Instructions: Listen to the Video Presentation in the Attend Section
“Seminar: Training the 21st Century Law Enforcement Professional”
1. Author an essay in APA format detailing the steps that a leader can take to cultivate a culture of learning within their organization. The presenter spoke of the characteristics of a critical thinker which included the characteristic of questioning and the characteristic of researching. In your writing, please define the phrase “learning culture,” the potential benefits of a learning culture, and the likely barriers to its implementation.
*Friendly reminder: You must incorporate and cite relevant authoritative research in every section of paper. All research sources must be current (generally that means published within the past 10 years). Dictionaries, general interest encyclopedias, sites from which students purchase content, and compilations of information from other students are NOT considered scholarly research sources. Remember the inviolate rule for academic research and writing: every statement of fact that is not a matter of common knowledge must be immediately followed by an inline citation in the correct APA format to a scholarly research source validating your statement.


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