This is the first of two mini research papers that you will need to write this s


This is the first of two mini research papers that you will need to write this s

This is the first of two mini research papers that you will need to write this semester, and is worth 50 points, incluidng 10 points for the peer reviews. Your mini paper must be at least 600 words (excluding citations) and written in APA format with appropriate citations.
Please pick a disease of your choice among what you have learned in this course so far, and provide a review, answering the following questions:
What is the name of the disease or condition you selected?
Why is this condition or disease meaningful to you personally? This question is optional. You don’t need to include it in your work if you are not comfortable answering it.
Cite some statistics / epidemologic facts of this disease.
What groups of people are particularly susceptible to this disease, why?
How does the disease develop and progress?
What are the risk factors, symptoms and three consequences of this disease or condition?
What are common treatments recommended to care for a person with this disease or condition?
What are two recent (within the last 2 years) research findings or advancements in treatment of this disease or condition?
Note that you should write a coherent paper, instead of just answering a list of questions. Citations must be provided to verify the accuracy of the information you provide. It is highly recommended that you first write your draft in a word file with spelling and grammar checks and copy and paste to the blackboard. Please put a word count at the end of the post.
To respect the efforts and time of your readers (your instructor and peers), please do not copy and paste from an artificial inteligence generated product.


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