This assignment supports the following unit learning outcomes: Develop the skill


This assignment supports the following unit learning outcomes:
Develop the skill

This assignment supports the following unit learning outcomes:
Develop the skills necessary to manage health communication in a variety of formats for different audiences.
Analyze stakeholder needs for successful health communication and messaging.
Utilize different modalities to reach audiences for communications about health and wellness.
Understand strategies for effective communication of health and wellness on different platforms.
Identify the basic requirements and tools needed for assessing effectiveness of communication strategies about health and wellness.
The sharing of health information and messages can be conveyed through a variety of communication modalities. Many of these were outlined throughout Unit 4. As a health communicator, you will need to inventory the needs of your target audience and select appropriate communication platforms that are applicable and effective. To accomplish this, you will need to have a better understanding of the communication channels at your disposal. This may require additional outside research beyond what was included in the course of study.
You will create a comparison table of four (4) communication modalities. This might include a variety of social media networking sites, health communication platforms, or other mediums (podcasts, public service announcements, radio, television). When comparing each modality, you must compare and contrast the following variables for each modality:
Pros or positives to the modality
Cons or drawbacks to the modality
Appropriate target population(s) (think race, gender, age, socioeconomic, culture)
Ease of access and/or cost
Any additional miscellaneous information (if needed)
APA requirements: Title and reference pages, minimum of four (4) sources.


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