The Final Paper should “connect the dots” between the assorted topics (technical


The Final Paper should “connect the dots” between the assorted topics (technical

The Final Paper should “connect the dots” between the assorted topics (technical skills, people, systems, communication, teaming) because successful professionals can see how these various skillsets interact and complement one another. Your ability to write effectively, using proper grammar and punctuation will be considered in the grading. Please use OWL to review your paper before submitting it. The written project will be evaluated on your ability to successfully convey the following points: Application of Theory: Provide at least three (3) examples of where you applied knowledge you attained from the classroom to client issues. You should also include descriptions of technical treatment. In other words, include specific references from a technical perspective (i.e., appropriate codes and regulations that apply to the corresponding work). Level of Preparedness for the Internship: Discuss your sense of preparedness (i.e., what courses did you find especially useful, and why?). Special emphasis should be given to explain what subject matter you would have liked to learn more about during the program but was not covered to the extent required during the internship. Provide examples of where you may have felt unprepared, or where the program fell short for you. Self-Reflection: The final paper should also demonstrate self-reflection and development. The internship is an intense learning experience. At the end, we expect students to reflect on what they learned, but more importantly on how they have used their education to solve problems and grow as a professional and as a person. To merely restate topics in your earlier progress reports is not a demonstration of growth. Effective Writing: Effective writing and communication skills are an integral part of graduate school and employment. Students in this course must demonstrate effective writing skills using proper grammar, punctuation, and syntax. A “C” paper simply lists stuff that happened. A “B” paper puts events into context and can mark progress. An “A” paper demonstrates true professional development, a sense of self-confidence and belonging along with a deep appreciation for how much there is to learn.


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