Task summary: For the midterm project, you are required to develop a 7-slide pre


Task summary: For the midterm project, you are required to develop a 7-slide pre

Task summary: For the midterm project, you are required to develop a 7-slide presentation with 100 speaker notes for each slide and a spreadsheet that summarizes the computer system resources needed for your selected company to compete within the identified industry.
Full order description:
? MAIN DETAILS: For the midterm project, assuming you will make recommendations of office applications and computer hardware to your selected firm in the application assignments, create a slide presentation with the following requirements.Your presentation should include & incorporate graphics. Each slide should include speaker notes to expand the main points. Include an overview slide. Use at least 4 scholarly sources.
Slide 1: Include recommendations of office applications with new screenshots that haven’t been used in the application assignments.
Slide 2: Include recommendations of hardware with new screenshots that haven’t been used in the application assignments.
Slide 3: Demonstrate how priorities and goals have been set.
Slide 4: Define the needed variables and deliverables.
Slide 5: Create a schedule of the project and anticipated completion.
Slide 6: Identify potential issues and provide an initial risk assessment.
Slide 7: Conclusions
Comment: The chosen organization should be in Healthcare
? ATTACHED:-instructions-connected tasks


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