PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND DESCRIPTION Your task is to research a ‘Claim’. You will


Your task is to research a ‘Claim’. You will

Your task is to research a ‘Claim’. You will design an experiment with complete methods and hypothesis, collect data that can be analyzed with either Standard Error or Correlation Analysis, and draw sound conclusions from the results. Your final product will be to create and record a video of your completed project presentation. This document describes in more detail each of the required project components and aligns with the ‘Investigating a Claim’ grading rubric.
Objectives & Directions: Identify a ‘Claim’ that you would like to investigate. If you look up the definition of the word claim, you will find that it is some kind of statement or assertion of truth that lacks supporting evidence. Our objective then is to start with a claim and conduct a short experiment to produce evidence that might support or refute that claim. This step will require some brainstorming and possibly online searching to first identify a claim to investigate, and also to determine whether the remaining assignment requirements can be accomplished (can I physically collect the data, can I accomplish this in the timeframe allowed, can standard error analysis or correlation analysis be performed, etc.). The sources of your claim might be word of mouth, social media, marketing/advertising, life-hacks, or anywhere you have learned of a claim you are interested in investigating.Or, you can develop a research question on your own. Due at the end of your regularly scheduled class time the week of March 11-15. Submit to the appropriate dropbox in D2L.


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