Part 1 Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for Access to Care. >Of all the


Part 1 Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for Access to Care. >Of all the

Part 1 Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for Access to Care. >Of all the objectives listed under this topic, which do you think would be most beneficial to the patients with chronic illness? >Provide rationales for your selection and support responses with examples from references. Part 2 Creating a Plan of Care Utilizing the information you have gathered over the last four weeks regarding the specific illness group you identified ( Diabetes Mellitus) , this week, you will create a plan of care for your chronic illness group. In a Microsoft Word document of 6 pages formatted in APA style, (this page requirement includes the holistic care plan). Include the following in your plan: >Provide a brief introduction describing the chronically ill group you selected and rationale for selecting this illness and the participants. >Clearly identify the Healthy People 2030 topic chosen and why this topic was selected. >Develop a holistic plan of care including patient, family and friends acceptance of the diagnosis, coping and impact on plan of care. >Summarize the information gathered in each week (Weeks 1–4) over 2 to 3 pages. This is should not to be copied and pasted from previous assignments. >Create a care plan for your chronic illness group organized using the following headings: >>Nursing Diagnoses (at least 3 related to topic and interview results) >>Assessment Data (objective and subjective) >>Interview Results >>Desired Outcomes >>Evaluation Criteria >>Actions and Interventions >>Evaluation of Patient Outcomes >Identify strategies for the family or caregiver in the care plan and provide your rationale on how they will work. Support your responses with examples and information from library resources, textbook and lectures.


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