Paper 1 topic is which of the Core Logistics Functions is the most important and


Paper 1 topic is which of the Core Logistics Functions is the most important and

Paper 1 topic is which of the Core Logistics Functions is the most important and why. Paper length is no more than one page with references on a second (you should not need more than a page for references). Format is your choice but be consistent. There is not a right answer, I am more concerned with your reasoning and justification than the choice. Do not get crazy with fonts and or margins to make it fit.
Please review the assigned reading JP4-0 Doctrine: Joint Publication 4-0 (JP) EXSUM & Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 You should be able to google the 20 JULY 2023 Version

Operational Logistics: The Art and Science of Sustaining Military Operations, Moshe Kress, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2016.*
Operational Logistics (OL) Chapter 1


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