Only organic chemistry tutor expert Read before you bid, this is me posting thi


Only organic chemistry tutor expert
Read before you bid, this is me posting thi

Only organic chemistry tutor expert
Read before you bid, this is me posting this third time since you guys can’t follow directions and read.
if you cannot do the following, do not absolutely bid and waste your time and mine.
Answer all questions comprehensively, addressing every part.
Provide detailed work for all questions, showing each step.
Emphasize drawing alongside explanations; visual representation is crucial.
Avoid merely answering; treat it as an exam, ensuring full answers with explanations and steps.
Strictly refrain from plagiarism; no AI, ChatGPT, or Chegg usage.
No internet access allowed during the exam.
Handwrite all responses; printing and handwriting on the iPad are acceptable.
Adhere to the attached rubric and achieve all passes.


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