Find a peer reviewed research article that investigates in some way one of the f


Find a peer reviewed research article that investigates in some way one of the f

Find a peer reviewed research article that investigates in some way one of the following topics: Joy, gratitude, happiness, compassion, service, forgiveness, mindfulness, meditation, or generosity.
Make sure it is a research study; the facets of a research study are described below.
Use the headings
Research question/hypothesis, Methods, Variables, Findings, Discussion, “So What”
On the blackboard discussion area upload an overview of the research study, making sure to include all of the information requested.
You cannot use a research article that someone else has uploaded so make sure you check before you choose an article. The first person to put a specific research article up, will be the only person to use that article. It must be research so it will have a research question or hypothesis, there will be a methods section, a population of interest, a results section and a discussion section. Include in your overview the issue/topic the research is investigating, the research question or hypothesis, the population being studied, what variables were studied, what they found in the results and how this information is useful to society as a whole and you in particular. The last item you will add is your opinion of the value of the research and what it adds to the discussions of the science of well being. Reading your opinion is my favorite part, so make sure you communicate through words your thoughts so that I may understand your perceptions. Do this write up and thoroughly as possible for the best grade. It will be at least one full page, which again is 250 words, if not more.
(no plagarism, or AI systems please they have systems to check)


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