Assignment – 3 Florida Child Care Professional Certificate Competency Goal 4 1.


Assignment – 3 Florida Child Care Professional Certificate Competency Goal 4

Assignment – 3 Florida Child Care Professional Certificate Competency Goal 4
1. Write a competency statement for the Florida Child Care Professional Credential 9FCCPC).
Competency Goal 4: Development of educational programs that improve motor, language and cognitive development of children, including literacy development).
2. The competency statement should include 500 Words that address how the goal should be met for young infants, mobile infants and toddlers. Provide an explanation for each age group (motor, language, cognitive, and literacy development).
a. Introduce the importance of educational programs that improve motor, language, cognitive and literacy development.
b. Describe objectives to create this type program.
c. Describe activities that can be implemented to improve motor, language, cognitive and literacy
development of children.
d. The statement should be typed and carefully proof read for clarity, correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


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