There are 5 different categories of news, international, National, state, local,


There are 5 different categories of news, international, National, state, local,

There are 5 different categories of news, international, National, state, local,fund and interesting. under each category you should provide 5 news with the answer. Here is an example of the assignment . International: Which country has the best quality of life in 2023?
A: (Switzerland)
National: Where are bills passed in the US?
A: Bills are passed in the United States primarily through the legislative process, which involves both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
State: Where did the recent mass shooting occur, involving individuals charged, one of whom was free while awaiting a murder trial?
A: (In a Chicago)
Local: A woman accused of leaving her boyfriend in a suitcase to die get a new lawyer?
A: (Sarah Boone, IN WINTER PARK, Fla)
Fun/Interesting: which city exploring the concept of sustainable agriculture in an innovative manner?
A: (Missouri farmers) This entails utilizing fertilizer effectively to conserve finances while safeguarding the land and water from detrimental runoff.


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