Research Proposal Presentation Overview In the Week 7 assignment, you devised a


Research Proposal Presentation
In the Week 7 assignment, you devised a

Research Proposal Presentation
In the Week 7 assignment, you devised a translational study proposal. Your final assignment is to create a poster in which you include any adjustments provided in your feedback as if you are presenting this at a local or regional conference. You will need to also include at least one APA formatted graph that aligns with your research design that exemplifies the best case scenario for the outcome(s) of your study.
For this assignment, you will create an academic poster as if you have completed this study and are now focusing on disseminating your results as if you had actually conducted the experiment. This poster will be created using the Week 9 Assignment Template [PPTX], which is a PowerPoint slide. Remember that posters are intended to be a snapshot of the information discussed in a formal paper. You will need to condense the information you provided in the proposal to fit adequately. On the poster, you must include the following components with any changes required from the feedback you received during Week 7:
Description of the historical and current experimental literature.
Your research problem and question including how your study extends the current literature.
Population and sampling methodology.
Research method and design.
Findings of your study including at least one relevant APA formatted graph.
Ethical considerations of the research.
Limitations and future directions of your research.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current edition APA style and formatting guidelines. for citing and referencing tips.
References: At least five scholarly resources. Make sure to include all slides in APA formatting on a separate slide.
Refer to the rubric to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Evaluate research in the experimental analysis of behavior.Describe the historical and current experimental and applied literature.
Competency 2: Distinguish features of experimental analysis of behavior (EAB) research from applied behavior analysis (ABA) research and identify features of translational research that bridge both types.Discuss the limitations of the study and the future direction of research.
Competency 3: Identify experimental analysis of behavior (EAB) origins in current applied behavior analysis (ABA) and translational research and in current ABA practice.Describe the research problem, research question(s), and how this research extends the current literature.
Describe the population and sampling methodology.
Describe the research methodology and overall findings.
Competency 4: Evaluate the core ethical requirements of behavior analytic research.Describe the ethical considerations of the research.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.Create a well-organized poster that follows assignment guidelines.
Demonstrate compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.


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