How Humans and AI Can Work Together to Create Better Businesses | Sylvain Durant


How Humans and AI Can Work Together to Create Better Businesses | Sylvain Durant

How Humans and AI Can Work Together to Create Better Businesses | Sylvain Duranton
Here’s a paradox: As companies try to streamline their businesses by using artificial intelligence to make critical decisions, they may inadvertently make themselves less efficient. Business technologist Sylvain Duranton advocates for a “Human plus AI” approach — using AI systems alongside humans, not instead of them — and shares the specific formula companies can adopt to successfully employ AI while keeping humans in the loop Links to an external site.
As you engage with the video and begin crafting your response paper, let’s dive into the dynamic relationship between AI and humans in the context of enhancing business operations. In your essay, structure your thoughts with an introductory section, a series of development paragraphs, and a concluding segment. Address the following questions within your response.
1. What is the main point Sylvain Duranton makes about using AI in businesses?
2. Why does Duranton think it’s important to have humans involved when AI makes decisions? Can you give an example of where AI alone might make a mistake?
3. What are the advantages of combining humans and AI, as opposed to relying only on AI, according to Duranton?
4. Why is it essential for businesses to consider ethics when using AI, and how can they do that effectively?
From the syllabus:
You will write one 4-page response paper that should be (excluding “works cited”), double-spaced essay on a select topic. The response paper counts for 10% of the grade, that is, 10 points. Any writing style is accepted. Points are distributed as follows:
1) Thesis statement (in the introductory paragraph) (3 points)
The thesis statement must encapsulate the main argument for the paper. It must be clear and coherent, and it must address the request the professor has put forth to the class.
2) Supporting evidence (4 points)
You must provide the supporting evidence in paragraph form (not “bullet” or list form). Each paragraph must contain evidence that supports the idea or concept that validates the thesis statement.
You must provide citations (in footnote, endnote, or parenthetical form) for all evidence presented. 3) Every essay must follow basic rules of format and grammar (3 points)
Every response paper must contain a beginning (introductory paragraph), a middle (several supporting paragraphs that comprise the body of the paper), and an end (concluding paragraph). Grammar is vital for essay composition. Sentence fragments, misspellings, and improper punctuation denote a carelessly written and poorly conceived paper.
All submitted papers will be automatically checked for plagiarism through If the plagiarism content is higher than 30% the paper will be automatically assigned a ZERO grade.


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