1. Reveal, for your colleagues, an example of how the legal system has impacted


1. Reveal, for your colleagues, an example of how the legal system has impacted

1. Reveal, for your colleagues, an example of how the legal system has impacted your life or regulated your behavior. 2. This can be something as simple as receiving a traffic ticket to something as complex as the resolution of a contract dispute or the dissolution of a marriage or the definition of private property rights. As stated above, don’t just describe the situation, but discuss the impact. 3. Discuss, on a broader scale, your understanding of how the judicial process has protected the vision of America held by the founding fathers. 4. This can be something as simple as allowing flag burning as a form of First Amendment protected free speech to something as complex as banking regulation which limits the ability of financial institutions to foreclose on delinquent mortgages. 5. Your discussion here should demonstrate an awareness of the involvement of the rule of law in our daily lives. Critically examine the postings of your peers and provide at least two (2) substantive replies. Compare and contrast your situation and issues to theirs. Identify any differences and provide additional insights related to those differences.


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