1. Describe and explain the differences between a crime and a tort using your ow


1. Describe and explain the differences between a crime and a tort using your ow

1. Describe and explain the differences between a crime and a tort using your own Hospitality related examples. Integrate evidence from Chapter 9 in your own words to support your statements in every posting.
2. Describe each of the following concepts using your own hospitality related example: Negligence, gross negligence, or an intentional act that could result in the commission of a tort (use details from Chapter 9 to support your statements in every posting).
3. Detail the essential differences between a duty of care and a standard of care, using your own Hospitality examples for each. Integrate evidence from Chapter 9 in your own words to support your statements in every posting. 
 Apply details, lessons, and examples from the assigned textbook chapter in every posting (interpreted in your own words). 


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