Write one page for each question 4 questions so 4 pages do not reference or sit


Write one page for each question
4 questions so 4 pages do not reference or sit

Write one page for each question 4 questions so 4 pages do not reference or site anything this should be a free style paper Q1 how did your family nurture and control you? How well do these concepts describe your family situation?
My brief description I come from a blended family I lived with my mother 2 sisters from the same mother and father and brother which was from a different man. Control was we had to be upstairs when street lights came on every weekend we had to do our house chores. Stepfather was an abusive husband to my mother and me and my sisters were exposed to a lot of trauma and violence. Q2 what are your perceptions of single parent families? gay families? step parents ?children who were raised by their grandparents? where do you assumptions come from?
This questions you can write as you please Q3 what factors first attract you to your most recent dating partner? Were they social psychological or psychodynamic in nature? Brief description of how I met my partner We went to high school together, but we didn’t date. He had a crush on me, but I didn’t like him. I was dating my son‘s father. Me and my fiancé reconnected through Facebook. He continued to write to me on Facebook trying to get me to go on a date. I finally went on a date and it was the best decision that I ever made. Our first date was with me and my son, an aquarium in Connecticut, the whole date was based around my son very kid friendly.
Q3 in what ways have the government, religion, and the media shaped your perception of the family and the appropriateness of superiority of certain family forms over others? You are free to to answer this as you please
I have attached some pages with key terms


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